Sunday, February 8, 2009

Going to the zoo

This little guy was seriously the size of a house cat!
This little guy was used to visitors, he just got up on that little mound and posed for his audience!


This was by the buffalo corral. We took everyones picture.

We checked out the Teepee's.

I think Emmas favorite part of the whole zoo was the aquarium. She loves any kind of water and I now think she likes fish.

We found Nemo!

This turtle was huge! And he stood really still until slowly he went to the top to breath.

There is his nose poking up out of the water if you can see it.

And finally this dude, he has to be the cousin of Flotsam and Jetsam off of the Little Mermaid!

So we found out Emma is a sensitive little girl! Cory was just playing around and started to pretend to cry and this is what she did. She is a sweet girl.

This video is actually a little less than a month old but it shows so many things she does. One obvious thing is she can now roll over. Another is what I call her turtle face, she does it when she wants you to laugh and last she shows off her big toothless grin!


  1. I still think that Cory is so mean to make her cry like that. The punk! Oh well, she is precious and is obviously happy. I am glad that you guys enjoyed the zoo.

    Mindi :)

  2. That is to funny that she will cry when Cory cries. She is really good at rolling over. Emma is growing up fast. I think you look cute in the teepee")

  3. Hadlee and Loryn wanted me to show Emma crying over and over. They thought it was hilarious. Glad you are having a good time! Love ya

  4. I am so glad you guys have a blog now! Was anyone going to tell me or what? I got it off of Jack and Lindzi's blog. I love the video of Cory making Emma cry. That is so funny. I am going to have to show that to Kyle when he gets home. Great trips to the zoo and Dinosaur Valley. The last time we were there I was 8 months prego with Landon and it was about 100 degrees outside. We camped out but actually had to buy a fan for me because I was so hot. The boys loved it though and I got some really cute pictures. Can't wait to see y'all again!

  5. Hi! I grew up with Cory so I hope you don't mind if I stalk your blog. Emma is precious! It's wild seeing Cory as a dad. I agree with Emma; I'd definitely cry if he screamed in my face. hahaha I loved seeing the good ole zoo pictures. Waco's a great place. My parents are the Christensens if you're trying to figure out who I am. I met you in the Waco ward when y'all were engaged.


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